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  • Why You Shouldn't Forget Your Pet's Bed, Favorite Blanket or Toy?
    Having familiar items will help keep your pet comfortable and happy. Animals rely on a scent for the most recognition. Being in a new place with possible sensory remnants of past pets could cause your pet to go into affliction mode. Having familiar items that are calming and comfortable for them will let them feel that it is their territory, and they have a true place to belong, giving them a sense of "home".
  • Why You Need a Pet Carrier or Standalone Crate?
    Since you will be leaving pet behind to relax all by his lonesome, you will want to make sure that he is confined in a safe and comfortable atmosphere. Some pets can gain separation anxiety, especially when in a completely new type of territory with limited familiar things to keep them calm. Your pup will surely enjoy the alone time if the season offers a nice temperature place your pet and his crate or carrier on the back deck in the shade. He will be given fresh air, a view to look at, birds to listen to, and will hear your car pull back in the driveway. Also, if your pet nervously puddles, you will have an easy, no-fuss cleanup this way. Let your pup enjoy the cabin's relaxing outdoor pet amenities in your absence.

  • Why You Need Pet Poop Bags?
    Dog waste is unpleasant and can spread parasites and disease. There are an estimated 70 million pet dogs in the United States and another 85 million in the European Union. The average dog produces about 150 pounds (68 kilos) of waste each year. That adds up to an enormous amount of poop!

    When travelling, it is a requirement for pet owners to pick up after their pets in shopping and dining areas as well as trails. Wildlife can catch the scent and come wandering. It is safer to bag it and trash it.
  • Why You Need a Leash, a Collar with Identity and Vaccination Tags and Your Vet's Contact Information?
    If you plan to take your pet downtown, there is a leash law. Aside from that, the delicious smells and all the excitement (or coming in contact with another dog) could cause your pup to get excited. Always be sure to have a handle on your pet so you can keep them safe and by your side. Keep treats on your person when in town to keep your pet's attention focused on you. They'll never leave food! Keep your pet's ID tags and vaccination tag on their collar in case you get separated or have to go to a local vet for any reason. Should you have to go to a vet, they will require your vet's contact information in order to gain access to their health chart. Get in gear and begin your road trip with your furry friend.
  • Why You Need Pet Stairs?
    Dog owners will find as their pet gets older it is much more difficult for their pet to get up on to their favorite chair or into the car because of problems with their joints, especially their hips. 
    Stationary pet stairs will help your dog gain access to your vehicle and pet stairs that fold down into a very compact unit, they will easily fit into your car.
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Our factory CPS Industrial was established since Year 1994 with 3 factories branch sited in Ningbo, Jiangsu and Huizhou. CPS has two brands CPSLEEP for human mattress and PET WiLL LOVE for pet products.  

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